more poetry by me

December 5, 2009 at 5:10 pm (Uncategorized)


Up, down, spinning around

I jerk, lurch, speed up, slow down

I never know from one minute to the next

When I’ll be on top of the world, or in distress.


Quick! Inhale the rush of being alive

Before I take a turn, plunge, and dive.


Downside up, upside right

Day blurring into night

g-forces in control,

I’m at their mercy, body and soul.


Exhilaration, desperation

Anticipation, desolation.

Dizzying sensation, complication, separation

Deflated expectation, defeated exploration

My twisting contemplations lead to no destination

will I ever get off



do I have a life left to live?

Do I have a gift left to give?

Will I ever escape the enduring pain?

Will I ever become someone strong and sane?

Can I learn to love, laugh, and be proud?

Can I learn to sing the song of my soul out loud?

I do. I will. I can.

“Our limitation is God’s opportunity.  When you get all the way to the end of your rope and there ain’t nothin you can do, that’s when God takes over . . . People think they’re in control, but they ain’t.  The truth is, that which must befall thee must befall thee.  And that which must pass thee by must pass thee by.”  -Denver, homeless man in Same Kind of Different As Me.



They begin so slow but steadily grow

Blurring the line between what I feel and know.

They haunt my reality,

I doubt my own sanity.


Truth and lies rage a war inside,

My soul ravaged by guilt and pride.


A quietly-consuming cancer within,

Now I’m taken over by sin.

The war is ended, they have won-

Me, the secrets

Now are one.



Just when I think you’re gone,

You scream to remind me you were only sleeping.

Just when I think I’m alone,

I turn around and find you never left me.

Just when I think I’ve escaped,

Your grip on me tightens once again.


You’re the lover who won’t let go,

The companion I don’t want to know.

Resistance to you I can never show,

Why does your power grip me so?


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